One way of helping your college community get integrated with the uni-wide society is bringing people from your college to our weekly Tuesday social, which provides alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, for reasonable prices, and the largest regular gathering of LGBTQ+ people in the university.
Here's a leaderboard of times reps have brought a group from their college to drinks in Michaelmas 2018.
8 times - Exeter, Magdalen, St. Anne's
7 times - St. Catherine's, Worcster
5 times - Jesus, Merton, New
3 times - Keble, New, Trinity
2 times - St. Hugh's
1 time - St. Peter's
0 times - Kellog, Oriel
If you're not on it, a) bring your college contingent to drinks and b) tell us about it (and your college's provisions for LGBTQ+ people) with this form
There's a prize (free drinks) for the college that comes together the most!
Here's a leaderboard of times reps have brought a group from their college to drinks in Michaelmas 2018.
8 times - Exeter, Magdalen, St. Anne's
7 times - St. Catherine's, Worcster
5 times - Jesus, Merton, New
3 times - Keble, New, Trinity
2 times - St. Hugh's
1 time - St. Peter's
0 times - Kellog, Oriel
If you're not on it, a) bring your college contingent to drinks and b) tell us about it (and your college's provisions for LGBTQ+ people) with this form
There's a prize (free drinks) for the college that comes together the most!